NOVHIDRO is synonymous with technological innovation for water. To achieve this, we have been equipped with management and production systems that ensure the reliability regarding the performance of our products and company.
NOVHIDRO has positioned itself at the level of the largest companies in efficiency and competing in equal opportunities in the increasingly demanding world market.
Thanks to the implementation of its Quality Management System according to the UNE-EN ISO 9001 and Environmental Management standards based on UNE-EN ISO 14001, both certificates in force by an International Certification Body. NOVHIDRO has REPRO Certification through the audit of ACHILLES Southwest Europe. This is an ideal platform to move towards other certifications of management systems such as safety and social responsibility, as well as financial solvency.
NOVHIDRO continuously demonstrates the ability of the organization to consistently provide products and services that meet the requirements of the Client and the applicable regulations, overcoming audits such as those of ACCIONA or TEDAGUA-COBRA and satisfying international requirements such as engineering specifications of MARAFIQ, PQMC PETROLEUM, CHEMICALS AND MINING COMPANY LIMITED (Saudi Arabia) or QATAR ELECTRICITY AND WATER CORPORATION (Qatar) and also for ORMVAL OFFICE REGIONAL DE MISE IN VALEUR AGRICOLE DE LOUKKOS (Morocco).
Reliability provided by NOVHIDRO‘s world-class qualifications and certifications, among other advantages, allow NOVHIDRO the possibility of meeting Customers that increasingly require certified suppliers, increasing the possibility of incorporating products on which the Customer needs to be sure, improve the quality systems themselves, as well as the documentation and suppliers in terms of performance and also generate greater international confidence between suppliers and customers, following our vocation to add value to the projects in which NOVHIDRO is involved.

Novhidro knows that to obtain high levels of customer satisfaction and for the company itself, it is necessary to have sustainable management systems to guarantee the quality of our processes and final products, optimize human and material resources, demonstrate our respect for the environment and stress our commitment to the safety and well-being of employees.
This is why Novhidro has a well-developed management system, based on the international standards UNE-EN ISO 9001: 2015 on Requirements for Quality Management Systems, as well as UNE-EN ISO 14001: 2004 on System Requirements for Environmental management. Our systems have been certified by Bureau Veritas in each of these areas and are also internally audited by professionals qualified by the European IRCA.
Achilles is a global leader in supply chain management and works with more than 800 large organizations worldwide. Achilles creates and manages collaborative communities by uniting more than 77,000 qualified suppliers with buyers, facilitating contracts and reducing risk and expenses for both parties.
As the world’s leading provider management organization, it offers and provides both validated information and online buyer support services during the key stages of the purchasing and contracting process:
· Search of suppliers.
· Pre-qualification.
· Evaluation.
· Audit.
· Monitoring.
Achilles offers a portfolio of solutions for supplier management that supports the risk management strategy and the need for accurate information in all functions, geographies and sectors, whose solutions recognize the growing need to share supplier information between equipment of purchases to support other departments in the organization:
• Financial: reduction of administrative and resource expenses
• Occupational risk prevention: identification of standards and supplier compliance.
• CSR / Carbon reduction: comprehensive approach to Corporate Social Responsibility, Carbon Reduction and other sustainability issues in the supply chain.